Federated Tribes

September 24, 2012


The State Parks Project -

Closure of State Parks is an Opportunity for Tribal Communities

 Chadd Everone, Coordinator


Dear Tribal Representatives:

Recently, I sent a letter to all of the 101 Federally Recognized Tribes in California, regarding the issue of closing State Parks due to, supposedly, the on-going "budget crisis". I commented that inherent in every crisis there is usually an opportunity; and I think that this crisis is a major opportunity for Indian tribes.

Letter to tribes of September 17, 2012

Let me add some further information to what was stated in that letter and encourage your tribe to participate.

Summarizing the letter, I stated that I and others think that this budget situation, with respect to the parks, is more of a pretext to sell off this valuable land to developers than it is a real need; and as an example, I cited the previous Governor's (Schwarzenegger) attempt in 2010 to sell off 11 major State buildings to a secret group of investor friends. If such is the case with the parks, then certainly tribes should do everything possible to intercede and prevent that; and even if the State must close the parks for real financial issues, it would still be an opportunity for tribes to step forward to either take ownership or management of parks in their vicinity. Because the parks already earn service fees, they could be made to break-even or be profitable with minor adjustments; and operating them would be a good source of jobs for tribal members as well as good public relations in the broader community. Further, I noted a common law practice that when a government agency abandons its land and facilities, the right of first refusal should go to Native Americans, whose land it was in the first place. That is certainly true of Federal land, and it could be argued that it should also apply to State lands. There are 101 Federally Recognized tribes throughout the state and many other Unrecognized ones. Each is close to or in either a State or Federal park and each is represented by elected officials at all levels of government. This is a strong network of tribes which could have considerable influence with legislative and administrative government entities and gain broad popular support.

So, what is appropriate now is to bring together those tribes who might be interested in this project and start planning, in advance, how to respond and take advantage of conditions as they evolve. And I encourage you to register you interest and provide contact information, below. All communications are confidential.


Contact Person    




In terms of my own background, I became interested in this project due to my involvement with a Federally Recognized Miwok tribe. Since 2003, I have represented that tribe in a very intense and complicated struggle over who will be the Federally recognized authority for the tribe. Representing the hereditary members, I have been engaged in all aspects of negotiating with the BIA, the administrative appeals, state and federal court actions, tribal constitution, business development including the casino, and involved with the tribal community in virtually all aspect of organization. In the course of this effort, a variety of opportunities for tribes, both cultural and economic, have come to my attention; and being in Berkeley, I am close to many resources that are relevant to California tribes. Further, I have developed a good network of experts in Indian law, liaisons to the BIA and State agencies, and public relations.

For some background information, see the Map of the Parks which we have constructed. Each park has a link to Google maps, so you can see more exactly what is at stake. Also, see various public interest groups, with which a coalition network can be constructed.


Best wishes,

Chadd Everone


Federated Tribes, 2140 Shattuck Ave. #602, Berkeley, California, 94704

Tele: 510-486-1314 / Internet: www.federatedtribes.com / E-mail: administration@federatedtribes.com